Victoria, a 44-Year-Old Sugarmummy in Thika, Seeking a Sugarboy for 3-Month Satisfaction and Companionship

Victoria, a 44-Year-Old Sugarmummy in Thika, Seeking a Sugarboy for 3-Month Satisfaction and Companionship

Hello,My name is Victoria, and I’m a 44-year-old woman based in Thika, though I’m not always here permanently as I work with a travel agency. Right now, I’m looking for a sugarboy who can offer me satisfaction and companionship for about three months. I’m a loving, caring, and mature woman who knows how to appreciate a well-done job, and I’m willing to pay handsomely for the right man’s time and attention. In addition to financial support, I’ll also offer advice on better investments—so you won’t just leave with money, but with knowledge to improve your life too. I need someone who is decent, presentable, and capable of handling a wealthy, independent woman. You must also be skilled and creative in the bedroom, with good styles that can add excitement to my life. This arrangement is for about three months, and I want someone who can handle me well, both emotionally and physically. If you are a trainer or a sex lover who knows how to please a woman and improve her life, then I’m looking forward to hearing from you! Let’s enjoy our time together discreetly, professionally, and with mutual respect!

For hookups WhatsApp Admin Mary G on +254736336674.

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