I want someone who is actually interested in spending time with me romantically. Phyllis Sugar Mummy in Kisumu


I’m Phyllis, a 42-year-old single woman from Kisumu County. I’m looking to hook up with a guy who isn’t older than 30. I’m a single woman who works and lives in Kisumu. I need someone who is genuinely willing to spend time with me for romantic purposes. Even if I’m not significantly wealthier, I can afford to spoil him. I’m hopeful that admin will soon possibly today find me the person I want in Kisumu.
Are you trying to find a sugar daddy or mummy? Reach out To Admin Mary G Through Sms or WhatsApp on 0721666021 to connect instantly and schedule meetings.

For hookups WhatsAppTelegram or SMS Admin Mary G on 0721666021. For a Quick direct message to Admin Mary G, use the "WhatsApp Request Hookup" Button.


  1. You look so sexy I really want to be with you but I don’t know if I can because I am under 18 but I live in Kisumu

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